da Staff Mareamico | Dic 17, 2021
Silvia Falco Giaccaglia - Impacts of the Atlantic blue crab in Spanish Mediterranean coasts Although the first record of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus occurred in the mid-20th century in the Mediterranean Sea, the presence of this species in the Spanish...
da Staff Mareamico | Dic 17, 2021
Lucrezia Cilenti - Esperienza di biocontrollo della specie aliena Callinectessapidus nell'ottica di una gestione sostenibile della pesca in acque di transizione Il granchio blue atlantico, CallinectessapidusRathbun, 1896, ha invaso gran parte della regione...
da Staff Mareamico | Dic 17, 2021
F. Ferrantini - A Novel Approach for the Management of the Blue Crab: the case of Puglia Region within the framework of the strategic project BEST Puglia Region, through its participation in the strategic project BEST (“Addressing joint Agro and Aqua-Biodiversity...
da Staff Mareamico | Dic 13, 2021
A.M. Lotito, V. de Pinto, F. D’Imperio, M.N. Miccoli, P.F. Garofoli - The importance of the dialogue with stakeholders in the selection of strategies for conservation, restoration and management of ecosystem services: the experience of the strategic project CASCADE...
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